+91 9176699635

Tarpedo Laddle car Weighing System

In steel industries torpedo laddle car play the vital role in transporting large amount of hot metal form blast furnace to poring point. Accurate weighing of torpedo is the need for customer and we Aditya Technologies designed the product according to the CUSTOMER VOICE.

A simple, reliable yet powerful accurate weighing based on the RDM special purpose load cell designed the replace the existing rail without any modification not even a screw to be replaced .

The RMD can be designed with the site existing rail gauge and ready to fit factory made sensors to replace the existing rail to convert in to a accurate weighing system. All type of torpedo car with any length is weighed with suitable no of RDM.

Key Features

 High accuracy & reliability

 Mechanically rugged design

 High resistance to the influences of the ambient temperature

 Particularly suitable for harsh environmental conditions

 Hassle free installation

 Robust maintenance free system

 Full onsite commissioning and support

Site Installation Photos

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